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Film & Photography Camera Crew: Ecuador – Quito, Guayaquil, & Galapagos Islands

Are you looking or a film & photography camera crew in Ecuador? We will arrange the right director, director of photography, videographer, cameramen, or stills photographer in Ecuador based on the specific requirements of your project.

If you require camera crew in Ecuador (or multiple countries), please email us here with the below information:

– Do you have the project awarded or are you in the pitching stage?
– What is the project name / title?
– Do you have a project synopsis / creative brief? / shot list? Is footage required directed action / b-roll / interviews? Elaborate.
– What type of shooter/s do you require? (Director, Director of Photography / Cinematographer, Videographer / Cameraman, Stills Photographer, Other?)
– Shooter specialising in? (Adventure, Aerials, Animals, Architecture, Automobiles, Beauty, Brand Narrative, Celebrity, Conceptual, Corporate, Fashion, Home & Garden, Industrial, Kids, Lifestyle, Music, Portraiture, Reportage, Sports, Tabletop, Travel, Underwater, Youth, VR 360, Other?)
– What will the footage be used for? (TV Commercial, Feature Film, TV Series, Documentary, Online Content, Music Videos, VR-360, Stills Shoot, B-roll, Interviews, Event, Other?)
– Any past footage you can send to give an example of the type of work you’d like done?
– Are we shooting raw footage only or will we also do post?
– Preferred delivery method of footage?
– What are your shoot dates?
– How many prep days and how many shoot days? If indoor, prelight?
– If we are arranging locations and talent please send a detailed brief. If you are arranging location clearances and talent release forms, please send that information.
– If we are arranging talent, please send the below information:
• How many mains, featured and extras?
• Composition of talent – (Age, gender, race)?
• How many days for each talent?
• Dialouge required? What language / accent?
• Buyout requirements for territory, time length and media?
– Who is coming from your side and how many? What passport/s are they travelling on?
– List of all local crew required?
– Local crew language requirements?
– Bringing in equipment or product? Include full list you are importing / bringing in as luggage.
– Renting local equipment? List your preferred equipment list – camera, sound, lighting, grip, drones, etc.
– Local travel requirements?
– Accommodation requirements?
– Catering / meal requirements?
– Wardrobe and art department requirements? Will we provide or you bring?
– Do you have any particular budget restrictions (and what is that to cover)? Important we know this as it will narrow options.

We will get back to you with availability, showreels, notes and a cost estimate shortly.