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Anguilla Film & Photography Production Services & Camera Crews

Are you a media company, brand, ad agency or production company looking for film / photography production support or shooting crew in Anguilla? Contact us for trusted fixers, producers, directors, DoPs, videographers, photographers, and full shooting crews tailored for the specific needs of your project.

Filming in Anguilla

For an introduction to shooting in Anguilla see below notes on film locations, permits, when to shoot, unique local stories, costs, tax incentives, crews, talent, equipment, communications, art department, studios, post facilities, visas and work permits for filming, transport, film-friendly accommodation, and safety advice.

Anguilla Film Locations

Anguilla is a British overseas territory located in the eastern Caribbean. The island is known for having some of the best beaches and coral reefs in the Caribbean, as well as luxury villas, spa facilities, unique art galleries, and culinary offerings that cater to the high-end crowd. It is a popular destination for the jet-set rich and famous with visitors including Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, and Robert De Niro to name a few. 

Luxury tourism and offshore banking are the main economic mainstays.

Anguilla has hosted visiting productions such as Coupled (2016), Caribbean Life (2014-), Below Deck (2013-), and House Hunters International (2006-).

Anguilla has no high-rise resorts, golf courses, amusement parks, cruise ships or casinos. As a dry low-lying island there are no rainforests, rivers or agricultural lands.

The main island is only 16 miles long and 3 miles across. The territory also includes a number of tiny and uninhabited smaller islands and cays. These include Anguillita, Blowing Rock, Dog Island, Little Scrub Island, Prickly Pear Cays, Scrub Island, Seal Island Hat Island, and Sandy Island.

Shoal Bay East, famous for its pinkish white sand and turquoise waters is regularly listed as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Other paradise beaches of note on the main island include Meads Bay Beach, Rendezvous Bay Beach, Maundays Bay Beach, Crocus Bay Beach, Scilly Cay, Savannah Bay, Cove Bay, Captain’s Bay, and Long Bay. Off of the main island film locations of note include Prickly Pear Cays, Little Bay, Sandy Island, Scrub Island, and Dog Island.

The Valley is the island’s capital. Locations of note include Wallblake House, and Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport.

The country offers impressive underwater reef photography options.

Productions looking to film aboard luxury yachts have several options to choose from.

Anguilla Film Location Permits

All beaches are public. Although your next shoot may be taking you to Anguilla because of a celebrity client, please note, filming on the island is also restricted to preserve the privacy of its other guests.

Although there is no official film permit, having a letter of support from relevant government authorities is helpful when seeking permission to film around the island. Our Anguillian fixer will require a project synopsis and crew details. The letter of support usually takes about a week to get. With this in hand small productions can film for free, without issue in most public locations as long as they are not taking exclusive use of public space. Larger productions that seek to control traffic, lay track or set up big lights, for instance, will require additional permits and consultation with police and local authorities. Please contact us for any more location specific information.

When To Shoot?

Anguilla has a tropical climate that is hot and humid throughout the year. Evenings are tempered by northeastern trade winds. Anguilla is subject to hurricanes from July to November. For monthly weather statistics please see here.

Anguilla hosts regular parties, sailing regattas, and cricket matches throughout the year.

• The Anguilla Regatta takes place in May.
The Summer Festival Carnival takes place in July / August. 

Anguilla is a predominantly Christian country so those holidays are observed.

Public holidays may affect timing, availability and costs. See here for public holiday dates in Anguilla.

Unique Local Stories

Brands are looking for local stories that match their brand narrative. Our local teams are a great lead for sourcing those unique stories and characters.

If you are looking for stories for your next shoot, send us your brief and we will pitch you ideas.

If you have a unique story you would like to pitch to a brand anywhere in the world, pitch us your idea. We have well-established processes to ensure that your ideas are properly seen and protected.

Anguilla Costs & Tax Incentives For Filming

Costs. Anguilla caters to a wealthier crowd so it is expensive by design. Since there is no mass tourism and no direct flights, getting to the island is expensive. Once you get there local costs are also very expensive. Given that little to no filming infrastructure exists all key crew and equipment must be brought in from abroad. Similarly, since little is grown or produced on the island, most things need to be imported. Our Anguillian fixer will negotiate local deals and provide the appropriate level of production support to match every budget.

Tax Incentives. At present there are no tax incentives for foreign commercials or films shooting in Anguilla.

Anguilla Film Crew & Talent

Crews. Anguilla has a very small pool of directors, directors of photography and stills photographers. Key crew are best brought in.

Contact us if you are looking for a director, DoP / cinematographer, videographer / camera operator, stills photographer, or any other film crew for your shoot in Anguilla.

If you are an exceptionally talented Anguillian director, DoP / cinematographer, videographer / camera operator, or stills photographer, introduce yourself here.

Talent day rates and buyouts are negotiable.

English is the official language.

The population is mostly Afro-Caribbean. All other talent looks need to be brought in from abroad.

Anguilla Film Equipment

Equipment. There are no camera, lighting and grip equipment houses in Anguilla. Some locals own basic gear they may be willing to rent. Anguilla is not an ATA carnet country. Our local fixer in Anguilla is able to assist with gear and product importation if needed.

Communications. Communication is key. Our agility and global experience allows us to customise the right communications systems for every shoot.

Web posted casting, scouting, and videoconferencing.

For clients that are unable to attend set we offer a virtual video village solution. This dedicated and secure high-resolution video streaming platform allows clients from one or multiple timezones to view setups without compromise and to participate in real-time with the team on set. Separate systems can be set up for the discrete conversations that are required to make a job run right. Working remotely with our local teams reduces your content production costs, turnaround times, carbon footprint, and risks associated with unpredictable global events.

Anguilla Art Department, Studios, Backlots, & Post Production

Art department and set construction is very basic.

Studios and backlots. None exist at present.

Post Production. None available locally. Post abroad.

Anguilla Visas & Work Permits For Filming

Crew travelling on Western passports (see countries coloured green) are allowed visa-free travel to Anguilla for stays of up to 90 days. There are no special work permits required for film crews. If necessary, to ensure ease of entry, our Anguillian fixer / service producer will arrange for the Tourism Board to inform customs and immigration of your visit.

Anguilla Transport & Accommodation

Transportation Infrastructure. Getting to Anguilla is expensive. There are no direct flights from the US. Visiting productions must either transit through Puerto Rico or alternatively you can fly into St Martin, then taxi across that island to St Maarten, connecting with a ferry to Anguilla. Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport is located a short drive from The Valley. Visiting productions looking to travel between Anguilla’s islands should hire a private boat.

Accommodation tends to be on the more expensive side with plenty of luxury options available. Contact us for recommended film friendly hotels in Anguilla. For longer stays we can also organize serviced apartments.

Final Notes

Safety. Anguilla is a very safe and reliable place for foreign productions to visit. See here for up to date travel advice.

Down Time. From local fare (try the Auguillian lobster) to gourmet French restaurants, Anguilla has some impressive cuisine.

Projects. For an example of TV commercials, stills campaigns, online content, corporate videos, virtual reality 360 content, feature films, TV series and documentaries shot in Anguilla, please see below:

Hire Anguilla Production Support & Shooting Crew

If you are looking for a film or photographic production service company, line producer or fixer for your shoot in Anguilla, please contact us.

If you are looking for a shooting crew for your shoot in Anguilla, such as a director, DoP, photographer, videographer (cameraman / camera operator), camera assistant (focus puller), sound operator, grip, gaffer, stylist, hair and makeup, PA / runner, production driver, please contact us.

We are able to provide you with answers, references and bids quickly.